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Contact Hoots Law Practice PLLC

Every business, enterprise, and person has different needs and resources. Hoots Law Practice PLLC is proud to create engagements that best works for each client.

If you would like more information about Hoots Law Practice PLLC, please use the contact form below and Allison will contact you as promptly as possible. You can also connect and reach out on LinkedIn.

Please do not include confidential, proprietary, or sensitive information in your message. If Hoots Law Practice PLLC has been engaged by a client with opposing interests to your own, the firm may have a conflict and, pursuant to the law, a duty to disclose any information you provide to its client. Any information provided does not create a lawyer-client relationship nor impose any obligation on Hoots Law Practice PLLC. Any communications are strictly informational until it is determined that a consultation is appropriate.

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